LOLIWARE has pioneered the world's leading seaweed technology to replace single use plastics. To help launch their core product, the world’s first edible bioplastic straw, LOLIWARE enlisted Lobster Phone to make their brand exemplary of their mission and global potential. Building a brand around a company with such a profoundly impactful product is a major challenge – this isn’t just your everyday company: this is a movement. I was inspired by the fashion industry: how a brand can be worn as a symbol of taste, or a sign of allegiance, or in our case, to represent a protest against plastic. The neon green feels fashionable and futuristic, but also connects to the seaweed that LOLIWARE’s material is made from. This brand will catch your eye. It’s not meant to fade in the background, or sit idly by and watch the world turn. LOLIWARE is about making an impact, about gathering people behind a movement to change consumer behavior in order to change the world.