The NIVEA logo is a fresh new face for one of the most ubiquitous skincare brands in the world. In designing the logo, our primary goal was to create a clearer expression of the brand heritage and its values, editing the multiple different logos currently used across countries and products. As part of our design research, we looked at historical material from Nivea’s past—from packaging, to advertising, to retail displays and promotional materials, we delved into the company’s archives to better understand their heritage and identity. The result brought forth many inspiring examples, but we found that only one Nivea design has achieved iconic status with the public – the classic blue tin. Deciding to embrace such a valuable asset and “own the icon”, we based the logo on the bold blue circle contrasted against its classic white Bauhaus-era type. By harkening back to this pervasive brand icon, the new design is anchored in the company’s rich history. Nivea has a new face without losing any of its essential “Nivea-ness”, as though it was always meant to be that way.